Monday, March 16, 2015

Celebrating the Trail

The Pacific Crest Trail, San Diego County, CA

We've crossed the PCT three times this week. Once just outside Julian, and now two separate times on Sunrise Highway.

It's interesting to be near the PCT and feel the emotions it awakens in me. First is the mom's pride I feel in Brad for thru-hiking this trail in 2012. Then as I hike sections myself, I have a sense of walking with Brad. I keep asking Benton, "Can you smell Brad?" No reply, but I must say, I feel close to him. Thirdly, is the love I feel for this wonderful son of mine when I think about this huge and successful undertaking.

Ed & Benton, PCT
Fran, PCT
PCT in Anza Borrego

Tonight we are boondocked on a little side road off the Sunrise Highway. The side road dead ends right on the PCT and must be crossed by the hikers. This would be a terrific location to set up a trail angel operation, when the hikers start coming through in April. Parked here tonight, with blackout shades pulled down and doors locked, I feel slightly uneasy. It is isolated, with the wind blowing so hard it is rocking Thistle from side-to-side. Then I think of Brad, camped along this isolated trail, with no tent, often all alone, for the entire 2600 miles.

PCT with Thistle way down on the road where we boondocked.

We discovered another interesting tradition just south of where we are boondocked. There is an informal clustering of memorial plaques overlooking the Anza Borrego Desert.

And, plaques for folks' dogs, as well.

We wonder how these memorial locations get started, and why they cluster as they do. We saw another clustering of about a dozen plaques at Twin Lakes, near Bridgeport, CA. Up here it could be the view, which is spectacular. According to a man we talked with it is also a huge gathering place to watch meteor showers.

Ed hearing about meteor showers.
PCT overlooking Anza Borrego


"The longest journey begins with a single step."
- Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching

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