It seems like sharing joy is what this season is all about and, for me, religious diversity feels as American as apple pie.
Admittedly, it can be confusing to respect and acknowledge each person's faith, especially when we find ourselves in the middle of a red and green coffee cup battle, seen as too Christmas-lite. But, here's the predicament. From November 1 to January 15 there are approximately 29 holidays observed by seven of the world's major religions. Bodhi Day is celebrated by the Buddhists. Christmas is celebrated by the Christians. Many Atheists and Native Americans celebrate "Winter Solstice". "Yule" is often celebrated by Pagans. And the Jewish celebrate Yom Kippur. Just to confuse it even more, we have added to the mix non religious holidays like Thanksgiving and New Year. Our country is rich in celebrations.
I consider myself fortunate to have friends and family of many faiths with both traditional and non-traditional customs. Our family puts up a Chrismas tree but we do not attend church. The ornaments on our tree range from angels to santas; ferry boats to clowns. We honor Buddhism and with our new Chinese family, it is a family faith now. We have Jewish friends. We celebrate the solstice. In our home not believing in God is as respected as believing in God.
Brad, Yessi , Ed & Fran |
The season's greetings we pass out are with a smile and our loving best wishes. Our words are not carefully calculated, although they will be neutral, as the all inclusive shoe fits us best.
To a joyful present and a well remembered past. Best wishes for Happy Holidays and an exceptional New Year.
Love, Fran & Ed & Benton too!
"This is my wish for you: peace of mind, prosperity through the year, happiness that multiplies,
health for you and yours, fun around every corner, energy to chase your dreams, joy to fill your holidays!"
~ D. M. Dellinger
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